How Adjustable Workstations Can Improve Health and Productivity

The director of the Walker Physical Therapy and Pain Center, Dr. Grace Walker recently wrote the book “Bye-Bye Back Pain,” drawing on her 35-plus years of experience as a physical therapist. In addition to writing books, Dr. Grace Walker regularly publishes articles on her website,, on topics such as lessening and eliminating back pain. These include the article “A Call to End Tushy-Time.”

The article asks a key question: “How much time do you spend sitting each day?” It goes on to reveal that Americans, on average, spend between 12 and 13 hours daily in a seated position, and that research shows that sitting is a key contributor to sciatica and lower back pain. Further, an individual’s metabolism is slower when they are sitting down.

To counteract these effects of sitting for an extended period, the article highlights the potential benefits of using an adjustable workstation. Adjustable workstations are desks that can be raised or lowered to allow an individual to work either in a seated or standing position. The article notes that adjustable workstations are crucial to promoting health and productivity, and many businesses are utilizing adjustable workstations to reduce employee injuries.

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