Dr. Grace Walker Gray’s Book Bye-Bye Back Pain

Drawing on a background as a physical therapist and holistic health care practitioner, Dr. Grace Walker Gray delivered care for more than three decades focused on ailments such as musculoskeletal pain. As author of Bye-Bye Back Pain: 9 Holistic Solutions for Relief from Sciatica, Lumbago, Slipped Disc, and Backache, Dr. Grace Walker Gray draws on her experience in physical therapy delivering traditional and holistic treatment.

As she recounts in the introduction to her book, the impetus for her writing and work comes from a back injury experienced running up stairs too quickly at a lake home. What followed was four excruciating weeks of pain patches, daily physical therapy, medications, and visits to an orthopedist. The orthopedist performed an MRI and X-rays that revealed a pair of slipped discs, in addition to significant bone and joint degeneration.

The upshot was that, while pausing her practice for 4 weeks and also taking a break from parenting tasks, Dr. Walker learned a great deal about back pain that she was ultimately able to share with readers. Over the subsequent 15 years, she also devised proven techniques for maintaining back health. These include regular physical therapy, chiropractic work and massages, as well as aromatherapy baths and the application of CBD oil. She also employs sit discs on all of her chairs that ease the pressure on her spine when working on the computer. These personal insights are a significant part of what makes Bye-Bye Back Pain a compelling, well-researched read. For more info on her book click here:https://www.amazon.com/Bye-Bye-Back-Pain-Holistic-Solutions-ebook/dp/B084DJVQL7/ref=sr_1_1?crid=3KSN38YM7X98R&keywords=bye+bye+back+pain&qid=1655073179&s=books&sprefix=%2Cstripbooks%2C112&sr=1-1

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